Previous Episode: Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?
Next Episode: It's In Your Hand

At Turner Memorial, we believe in doing ministry outside of the box.  You simply cannot effectively reach an iPod Generation with 8-track concepts.  We are determined to reach others with a relevant gospel presented in a tangible way.


We are blessed to share with you the ministry of Mr. Dk.  This Gospel Fella Recording Artist is a lifelong member of Turner Memorial.  He presents the Word in a real and fresh way.  A young man of purpose and integrity, he is unashamed of where the Lord has brought him.  He is unselfish in sharing his witness and testimony.


From the CROSSROADS project:


 Money, materialism and addiction. These vice’s motivated and influenced my life for years. Until one day I came to the end of the road and realized I had nothing to live for.

What was there to gain if I had all the money in the world but still couldn’t buy love? So what if I had cars, rims, gold and clothes! None of my material possessions could cover my fears and insecurities. The fast-life and drugs couldn’t promise me a future, nor could it give me peace, security and the love my soul was desperately seeking.

That was me then, and maybe its you now. Fortunately for both of us God sacrificed his only exact likeness, Jesus, so we could have a second chance. God, who is the essence of all things, gave up EVERYTHING so you could die to your old life of darkness and live in the light of truth through his Son Jesus.

I am now loved and understood. The worries of my old life have become distant memories. I now know the meaning of life and have been given the strength to overcome the bondage I was once unable to resist. I AM A NEW PERSON. Nowadays I model my life around this wonderful experience given to me by my savior, Jesus. And I’m here to share it with you!

My life was at a CROSSROADS. I chose the path of life, love and peace. I abandoned the path of death, hate, and conflict.

The question now remains: WHAT PATH ARE YOU CHOOSING TO FOLLOW?


You’re at The CROSSROADS. Choose the path of life....

-Mr. D.K.


It’s not about the music. The music is about Him.