On tonight's special edition of the Total Sports Live, Jovan Alford and Angela Montoni will be joined by the rest of the TSL staff tonight as they will be talking about the 2015 NBA Draft which is tomorrow night at 7:00 pm on ESPN.

Topics that they will talk about:
What will the Philadelphia 76ers do with the third overall pick?Will the New York Knicks trade down from 4 or will the Boston Celtics move up?The rest of the lottery and first round sleepersSecond round talents?
Make sure to follow Jovan on Twitter: @Jovan10, Angela: @angemontone, Curt Jenkins: @CJenkinsWS76, Adio Royster: @adiobroyster, Alex McKeon: @alexmmckeon, Gavin Davis: @gavroydavis, Harrison Brown @SnsdSports

Finally, make sure to follow Total Sports Live: @TotalSportsLive