Welcome to another Truthzilla Re-Up! Alex Jones had Joe Rogan on Infowars the other day (taped on 12/1/20) for what he called an "Emergency End of the World Broadcast" and he posted it on banned.video today (12/3/20). Jones said, explicitly, on his Infowars transmission today that everyone needs to download the file off of banned.video, share it, re-upload it, edit it, meme it, do whatever you want with it, so we figured we would follow orders:

Watch and share this bombshell encounter where Alex Jones interviews the King of Podcasts, Joe Rogan, in this powerful four-hour interview.

Rogan shares his insight on politics, the trap of tribalism (and how we can end it), the collapse of civilization, psychedelic drugs, Bill Gates, and much, much more! Do not miss this!


Download and share the video here:
