The Truth Shall Set You Free - Robert Steele, Paul Sperry, Huckabee, Dr. Pieczenik - Go to to get: "The Lying Machine" movie, course and study "Yeshua's Lessons In Life Series" To get an MP3 of this program go to - - Scroll down on top right click on 'Click Here' under 'Radio' - find the show and click on 'Download' to the right of the show Restoring America Sweatshirts and various other patriotic products The Truth Shall Set You Free - Robert Steele, Paul Sperry, Huckabee, Dr. Pieczenik video reveals the truth about what 'They' don't want you to know. If you've had enough of the tyranny in your country and want to do something about it you're going to love this radio podcast. The Truth Shall Set You Free Go to to get: "The Lying Machine" movie, course and study "Yeshua's Lessons In Life Series" Restoring America Sweatshirts and various other patriotic products Search The Truth Shall Set You Free, Robert Steele, Paul Sperry, Huckabee, Dr. Pieczenik, restoring america, the establishment, the new world order, the lying machine, taking back america, make america great again, CNN fake news, CNN is fake news