You are likely familiar with the caricature of capitalism. You know the one - capitalism is some nefarious monster that does nothing but squash the little guy like bugs while the billionaires laugh, smoke cigars and sip the finest cognac.

The criticisms of capitalism are well-known. Capitalism is based on greed and selfishness. It is immoral. It exploits workers. It is a zero sum game. Under capitalism, giant corporations have too much power. And capitalism is based on competition rather than cooperation.

But have you ever examined these claims in any detail? Have you ever considered the alternatives to capitalism?

Show Notes

Only Capitalism Will Save Millenials

Freedom of Choice is What Sets Capitalism Apart, Not Competition 

Anti-Capitalism: Trendy But Wrong

Why Socialism Failed

Capitalism Wins

The Immorality of Socialism


Capitalism vs. Socialism
Is Capitalism Moral
Why Capitalism Works
Why You Love Capitalism
Myth, Lies and Capitalism
Alexandria Ocasio Corte Does Not Understand Capitalism or Socialism

Truth Quest Podcast Episodes

Episode #12 - The Truth About Socialized Medicine
Episode #27 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - An Introduction
Episode #28 - The Truth About the Federal Reserve - The Results
Episode #50 - The Truth About Party Over Principle
Episode #57 - The Truth About Free Stuff
Episode #65 - The Truth About Wal-Mart

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The video of this episode is available on Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon and Thinkspot. Check out short highlight videos of each episode on Instagram.