When you hear discussions about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, you are likely hearing about the majority group who supported the new Constitution called the Federalists. However, there was another group of prophetic founders who opposed the Constitution as written for a variety of reasons who were equally important. They are called the Anti-Federalists. These forgotten founders warned about the inevitable growth in size, scope and power of the federal government - especially the judiciary - all at the expense of the individual states.

Evidence of their accurate predictions can be seen virtually everyday in the national news.

Show Notes

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The Anti-Federalists Were Right

Prophetic Anti-Federalists

The Anti-Federalists Were Eerily Prophetic

The Letters of Centinel Attacks on the U.S. Constitution 1787-1788 by Samuel Brya

Brion McClanahan Podcast Episode 63

Anti-Federalists: Federalists and State Sovereignty

The Complete Anti-Federalist edited by Herbert J. Storing

Brion McClanahan Episode 281 - The Anti-Federalist

Truth Quest Episodes:

Episode #3 - The Truth About the Constitution
Episode #37 - The Truth About the Bill of Rights
Episode #43 -The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part I
Episode #44 - The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part II
Episode #45 - The Truth About the Federalist Papers - Part III
Episode #68 - The Truth About Impeachment


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"The Anti-Federalists were Right!"

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