Options trading can be a great way to make money, but it's important to know when you should take profits. How do you know when to take profits? Is there a formula for it? In this episode, I share some guidelines for how and when you should take your profit on an option trade. And we will answer the question should you let options expire or take profits early?

Full YouTube Episode: https://youtu.be/j-iB_hPjbcE

Recommended Links & Videos:
To get the show notes you can register at: http://rockwelltrading.com/app (use your email address) and the notes are posted under "Coffee with Markus" email [email protected] for assistance (maybe reword this for description)
Bid Ask Price Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Xg6TZjixY
Poor Man’s Covered Call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i31CK3Qo5PY
Wheel Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBa3sAx-Io2mybLLdWtbjTFqK9-BR5SJb
Profit Taking Strategy: https://tinyurl.com/ydbtvuet
Rockwell Merchandise: https://store.rockwelltrading.com/
(Previous Coffee With Markus) How To Manage Losing Trades - How I'm dealing with my $25,991 "losing trade": https://youtu.be/bHKIdYCnUjM
Wheel Book Waitlist: https://www.rockwelltrading.com/wheelbook