The Truth About the Martial Arts Business episode 16 guest Sam Horn is the author of Tongue Fu. Like Verbal-Defense, Tongue Fu teaches how to verbally handle, defuse, deflect, disarm, and/or align with someone who is attacking you verbally.

Tongue Fu is IDEAL for martial arts instructors, parents, or teachers of any kind.

These important skills need to be part of every martial arts school curriculum to help students gain control of bullies, insults, false praise and many other anxiety-causing verbal attacks that we all face at school, work, with family, online, and out in public.

This is training that does NOT require any physical contact so it is ideal for martial arts schools in the post-COVID-19 eta.

Sam Horn Tongue Fu Courses

1. Tongue Fu!® Full Course

2. Tongue Fu!® I

3. Tongue Fu!® II

4. Tongue Fu Book on Amazon