Hello my fellow wealth hackers!!

Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure??

This past Friday, I hosted Canada’s youngest retiree to come into the iWIN Hub (my office) to record a podcast, show him Stock Hacking, and shot virtual zombies in virtual reality.

This episode was inspired by Mike going on a rant on his Instagram account about his frustration with his real estate: tenant related problems, day to day management of a sizeable portfolio and all its moving parts including property managers and contractors, finding out sex workers were operating out of his short term rentals and related complaints from the neighbours. Add to that the pandemic and it’s hurt on the tourism and short term rental market and student rental market.

I messaged Mike that I was sorry to hear about his challenges and we started talking about stock hacking so I invited Mike to my office to demonstrate for him the strategy, record this podcast episode, have lunch and since he made the 2 hour trip out from London, I figured we would something fun that Mike can’t do in London.

I made a couple suggestions and we settled on Virtual Galaxies, a free roam, virtual reality gaming place in Mississauga.  That’s when the hilarity ensued. For anyone who knows me, I’m an oversized child and like to joke around. 

The game was zombie apocalypse, we are soldiers armed with virtual guns, we do have a physical game controller shaped like a gun to shoot virtual zombies with.  If you seen the movies or TV shows then you know zombies can be aggressive.  The objective is to survive, navigate scenes including walking through buildings to get to a roof top so a helicopter can come rescue you all in virtual reality.

The game is intense, fully immersive and not for the timid as Jimmy, Mike’s mentee found out when we had to split up and he had to fend off waves of brain hungry zombies on his own. His dissatisfaction of being on a team of one… well Jimmy was vocal about it while I was crying laughing.  It’s been five days since the experience and I’m still laughing about it.

After much feedback from Mike and I’s mutual friends who have already been through Stock Hacker Academy, he’s going to give it a go as well. www.stockhackeracademy.ca if you too would like more information about it. We don’t have any more free demonstrations planned for 2020 but I’ll let you listeners know when we do.  

Mike Rosehart is Canada's Youngest Early Retiree, an Ivey Business Graduate, Youtube Social Media Influencer, Entrepreneur, and a Real Estate Investor in London, Ontario with an 8-Figure real estate portfolio comprising somewhere around 75 buildings in his career. He’s a private lender, a private borrower, dad of two young daughters and he loves to give back and share including gifting out space in his own home to his mentees.