Today, I got to podcast with my real estate client Gillian Irving and because we are working, as in helping her maximize her return while listing a couple of her investment properties, I hope it’s legal that we also had lunch together to catch up then record this podcast where we got to talk about several of my favourite subjects.

We talk about hacking fitness and exercise, investing in real estate, specifically student rentals, the methodical journey to success, stock hacking, investing in crypto currency and charity.

Gillian Irving, is a full time, successful entrepreneur, stock hacker, real estate & cryptocurrency investor and mom of four kids.  

Needless to say, I’m proud to have played a small part in Gillian’s massive success.

If you too want help in starting a journey similar to Gillian’s, feel free to check out my free video where I explain how I invest in real estate for my kids, go to once you register to access the video, you’ll be invited to our next 90 minute, free training webinar where we show you the secrets to the #1 investment strategy in real estate: legal basement apartments which is by far the most popular investment strategy in today’s market.

FYI Gillian has been my client and friend since 2013. Please enjoy the show, go forth and be the change you want to see in the world.

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