On to this week’s show! How To Small Scale Develop A Property Using Free Land With the Infill Boys

Before I introduce the guys, we are quickly approaching our two hundredth episode and I want to thank all 16-17 of you listeners for being a part of this journey for us.  This all started as a weekly blog in 2010 (and it’s still going) then we started this podcast in 2016 to discuss the realities and learning lessons of real estate investing.  

Including how not to lose money, which is a great segway into next month’s iWIN Meeting on Saturday morning, June 12th.  Our team will be sharing what to look for from a wholesale and the top 5 questions to ask.  We too receive emailed wholesale deals and as this is an unregulated market… well… let’s just say some of these wholesalers are pitching what they consider “deals” while wearing rose coloured glasses.

Don’t be a sucker and overpay for a lemon and stay for our 2nd presentation on how to build a backyard suite in Brantford, one of the more affordable and newest markets to allow the backyard suite strategy.  Friend of iWIN Andy Tran will be in the house to share the latest on his own investment property.

Speaking of Andy, he’s one of three real estate experts on the show: Andy Tran, Charles Wah, and Steve Ford. What a special treat!!

We discussed where to find ideal properties, financing, construction financing, who’s needed on your team, soft costs, how developing a property unlocks hidden equity, whether to hire a general contractor or not. We cover tons of tips and pitfalls to avoid. It’s a pretty awesome episode if I say so myself.

I’ve done a considerable amount of business with each Andy, Charles and Steve and can safely say they’re good people.