This week’s guest is the lovely Kayla Andrade, founder of the Ontario Landlords Watch, a grassroot advocacy group for good landlords and good tenants.  If the environment is good for landlords that only benefits good tenants. 

Kayla also has her own investment properties in Cambridge, Ontario, her own property management business Boardwalk Property Management. She's the mother of four and she’s our guest speaker for the next iWIN Meeting on Saturday morning of Oct 24th.  We have very limited seating to accommodate for safe and social distancing but we’ll have enough space online via Zoom.  Followed by lunch at a local restaurant that could use our support and to network with myself and other like minded investors.  

The feedback from our meeting last weekend was excellent thanks to our guest speaker Jules Mckenzie who was simply amazing with all the knowledge he shared in overcoming obstacles that would have buried the average Canadian.

Kayla is also super awesome in being our collective voice for improvements at the Landlord And Tenant Board and provincial government and her local government in Cambridge.  She’s here today sharing her best practices in tenant management, reporting tenant credit history and just being awesome.

Again she’s our guest speaker on Oct 24th, the link to register is in the show notes and anyone already on my email distribution list will get the invite to register as well.

Link to register: