Are you experiencing “Mind Chatter” those useless negative thoughts we think about our self such as, “I am not good enough, or smart enough to________”. Are you being held back from who you really know you are and want to be by negative beliefs and feeling about yourself and your actions. Listen to a young […]

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Are you experiencing “Mind Chatter” those useless negative thoughts we think about our self such as, “I am not good enough, or smart enough to________”. Are you being held back from who you really know you are and want to be by negative beliefs and feeling about yourself and your actions. Listen to a young man Addison Evans tell his story of what happened to him as he was serving a mission for his church and became so plagued with such negative thinking that he ended his service early. Addison Evans shares his story of how he became incapacitated by such an experience and how he recovered utilizing hypnotherapy as part of his recovery. He is now thriving in life and moving forward.

Addison Evans came in contact with hypnotherapy after his church leader and Stake President, referred him to Spiritual Mind Management Hypnotherapy for services.

He explains, “I had recently gotten home from serving as a full time missionary in the Philadelphia mission. During the last 6 months of my mission I began to notice a change in my behavior and the way I felt. Before I was working hard and enjoyed being a missionary. I felt successful with what I was doing in all of my areas. During January 2014 I was transferred to a new area and the work became very difficult. Over the next few months I began to internalize all the negative aspects of missionary work and it began to affect the way I treated myself and other people around me. That’s when my behavior changed. I started to lose my motivation but didn’t understand what was going on or why I had changed. Everything had happened a little bit at a time. After 6 months in a difficult area I was transferred to a new area but held onto those negative feelings and emotions. In a month my emotional stability simply crashed and I began to deal with feelings of nervousness and hopelessness. It got to the point that I began blacking out just going outside and my mission president became very concerned for my well being. He had me take a few stress quizzes and meet with someone from LDS family services. While I was appreciative of the help I received from the services, I never felt like I was able to get to the root of my problems. I thought that what the counselor said about what caused my problems made sense but I always felt that there was something more to it. I felt that the counseling was needed to help me make it week to week or day to day but in the long run, I knew I needed something else in order to be better independently.

Eventually my mission president gave me the option of returning home six weeks earlier than my release date and I decided to do that in hopes of getting better. I didn’t know what to fully expect on my return home. My family life had changed and I had decided to move in with my Dad. My parents divorced when I was 18 months old and I had always lived with my Mom. I wanted to pursue a relationship with my Dad while resolving my problems. Adjusting to post missionary life can already be difficult on its own when moving back to the home you grew up in surrounded by the same people. But I was in a new environment, with new people I wasn’t familiar with, with no clear direction on how to get better. Normally I think that would cause anyone that was dealing with those emotional problems to crash again but it was exactly what I needed. I had always let my environment and the people around me influence the way I felt and behaved. But because of the new mental skills I’ve learned from hypnotherapy, that’s no longer the case. I’ve learned how to change my way of thinking to allow me to be in control of my emotions and behavior no matter what’s going on.

Addison B. Evans


Certified Hypnotherapy Training School


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