Hello from Malaysia! Well everybody I’m almost ready to hop on to a plane to meet up with @anythingian in BALI of all places.
We are both long overdue to un-plug from the daily duties of our current lifestyle business, and focus on launching a brand new site that has some really cool implications for our lifestyle and current business. We are looking forward to sharing all of that with you on the podcast, and I’m sure that if we can be more transparent with our stuff on this show the listeners would be a HUGE asset to making sure we do things right. Ahem, here’s a hint:
In this episode we get a great follow up from @DallasCarter about his 808FIT.NET weight loss website. If you haven’t yet seen Dallas’ incredible story clicksie this link baby and check out how a guy drops 190 and turns into a sexy beast. Issaac Dudek (@isaacdudek) also called in to ask two questions about the mindset of outsourced employees (we focused on the Philippines exclusviely) and the kinds of technology is prevalent in the Philippines.
For the meat and potatoes we discuss 4 tips for deciding if a market is worth attacking, these tips are once we recently implemented as we have in the past week chosen two new hot markets to attack (very excited about that!), in terms of execution we’ll be following similar steps we took to create a $6,000 site in 6 months (that site was the last niche we selected).
For the quick tips we talk about screen capturing, webex, and how to create great ebook covers in under 10 minutes.

Hello from Malaysia! Well everybody I’m almost ready to hop on to a plane to meet up with @anythingian in BALI of all places.

We are both long overdue to un-plug from the daily duties of our current lifestyle business, and focus on launching a brand new site that has some really cool implications for our lifestyle and current business. We are looking forward to sharing all of that with you on the podcast, and I’m sure that if we can be more transparent with our stuff on this show the listeners would be a HUGE asset to making sure we do things right. Ahem, here’s a hint:

In this episode we get a great follow up from @DallasCarter about his 808FIT.NET weight loss website. If you haven’t yet seen Dallas’ incredible story clicksie this link baby and check out how a guy drops 190 and turns into a sexy beast. Issaac Dudek (@isaacdudek) also called in to ask two questions about the mindset of outsourced employees (we focused on the Philippines exclusviely) and the kinds of technology is prevalent in the Philippines.

For the meat and potatoes we discuss 4 tips for deciding if a market is worth attacking, these tips are once we recently implemented as we have in the past week chosen two new hot markets to attack (very excited about that!), in terms of execution we’ll be following similar steps we took to create a $6,000 site in 6 months (that site was the last niche we selected).

For the quick tips we talk about screen capturing, webex, and how to create great ebook covers in under 10 minutes.