Hosted by Ciaran Urry-Tuttiett on  

On this week's show... 

* We have music the brand new single from Blas Cantó (Spain 2020), Lesley Roy (Ireland 2020) and Softengine (Finland 2014) amongst many more Eurovision artists from the 1950's to the 2020's.

* We have as always Rob's Random Request, Live & Kicking and this week's Eurovision Showcase News.

* Also, we are debuting a new part of the show called "NATIONAL FINAL GEMS" - We will go deep into the treasure chest of national finals to find two great songs from the Eurovision Song Contest's National Selections! Sadly, the one's that didn't make it to Eurovision itself.

Rob's Random Request, Live & Kicking and this week's ESC Showcase News will make an appearance! 

Hope you enjoy the show! x 

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