About a year ago, I had an idea for a podcast. It was a small idea but nobody was doing it. Today, after a lot of hard work, it's become something completely different and far more exciting. I've connected with more amazing people than I ever could've imagined and recorded their stories and their beautiful, inspiring words. Today, I'm happy and proud to launch the idea to the public.

It's called The Daily Travel Podcast.

I want to explore the idea that we travel for the stories that happen to us, that we take home, and tell for the rest of our lives. These stories we hold on to and become a part of what defines us. I want to explore the question that follows, "How can we put ourselves in a position to find these experiences?" How can we get out of our comfort zones to go from tourist to traveler to explorer of the unknown?

Have a listen to the episode for my travel stories -- sort of like my explorer origin story! -- and how they shaped my perspective of people, travel, and what it means to be an explorer. And be sure to stay until the end because I'll tell you about what you can expect, the amazing interviews with world travelers and industry experts I have lined up, and how I can help you travel further and more often for less, and find life-changing experiences on the road.

Very Special Thanks to:

Stephen Warley and Chris Wilson at Unstuckable

Dave Shepherd

Jessica Rhodes at Interview Connections

Ben Krueger and Arison Cain at Authority Engine

Christopher Lang

All my guests

and my wife, Shannon

Music Credit: Aaron Static, Intrepid Journey

Music Credit: Imogen Heap, Wait it Out (Artec Remix)

Photo by Nicholas Ciorogan

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Thank you so much for your support!

See you next time!

The post 1: Introducing the Daily Travel Podcast! appeared first on The Daily Travel Podcast.