Have you ever thought about changing what you do for work and then used 'money' as an excuse not to do it?
If that's you, you are not alone!
It's very common for people to use this as a reason to not make a change - even one they would really like to make.
When she left her last job about 5 years ago, Shandra had a lot of people say they wished they could leave their job to do something else - but they "couldn't afford it"
This led her to train and become an internationally accredited money coach - so she could help people could get a handle on their money situation and not use it as a reason not to make a career change.
Money is a factor, that's for sure, BUT it doesn't have to be the reason you don't make a move towards doing work you love.
This week's podcast episode is a bit of a different one... Shandra was invited to co-host a discussion on this topic as a Linked In Live video event with her friend and fellow coach Caroline de Kempe.
This conversation explores ideas around how the money issue can impact making career change and what you can do about it, so it doesn't have to be the thing that keep you stuck in a job that you don't love.
"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver..."- Ayn Rand, Russian-American Author
Thank you for listening!