Are you in a toxic work life or situation?
Ever wondered how you can escape from one?
Whether you are an employee or work for yourself the reality is there is an environment that you work in that either allows and supports you to thrive, or it undermines and depletes you…
This can actually be a bit of a sneaky situation as not all toxic work can be immediately obvious… you have to be on the look out for it…
So in this episode we will explore some ideas about what you can look out for, and what to do if you discover some 'toxic waste' at or around your work…
In this episode we look at:How to recognize toxic workplace or situationThe impact this can have on you personally and professionallyThe warning signs to look out forStories of people dealing with toxic colleaguesWhat you can do to protect yourself in a toxic work lifeIf and when to start to create your escape plan
Regardless of your work situation - if you are an employee or self employed - the dangers and impact of creating or staying in a toxic work environment can take a massive toll on you in a wide range of areas of your work and life - well beyond your work hours, so it's worth exploring your current situation, so you can get on the front foot, and create or move to a work environment you can thrive in.
*warning this episode includes a bit of a rant or two :-)
Thank you for listening!
x Shandra