Hello and welcome to the new year and the new decade!!!
This episode is all about creating your Vision and Goals and helping you to make the most of the year ahead by making sure you are aligning your focus, attention and energy with your actions – and to make sure they are going to be moving you in the direction you want to go…
If you finished 2019 feeling like you hadn't quite done the things you really wanted to do and you want to set 2020 up to be the year you made things happen then this episode is a great place for you to start!
In this episode Shandra shares extracts from her goal setting workshop including:4 steps to set your goalsHow to make sure they are YOUR goals, not things other people expect or want from youThe difference between a goal and a 'To Do' listThe simple things that can dramatically increase your chances of achieving your goalsOne thing to include to make your goal measurable
If you want to actually do this and have a step by step guided process to help you set - and GET - your goals then check out the full online workshop with videos and downloadable worksheets so you can make it happen this year:
And as a bonus for being a podcast listener use the word - Book - at the check out to get a copy of my book 'Elevate Your Success' for $1!
Thank you for listening!