Do you do a countdown until your holidays….? Then when you’re on holidays you do the reverse countdown and dread the return to work…?Can you imagine doing work you don’t feel the need to escape from?
This it is actually possible for you!
In this episode Shandra talks about her pre-Christmas realisation about the work and life she has created – on the other side of burnout.
She shares:1. how to recognise if you are in a work situation you do want to escape from2. How to create work you don’t feel you need to escape from3. And the four ingredients you will need to do it

“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”Stephen Covey
You may not be able to escape your work life right away, but giving it some thought now will help you make a start.
Also – if you want to use this time of the new year and new beginnings to get some clarity on how you can make this year the year of you, then you might want to come to one of Shandra’s workshops:
Redefine. Reinvent. Make 2019 the Year of You goal setting workshop.This practical small group workshop event is being held in person in Sydney and you can get all the details here.
Or if you don’t want to wait until then, or can’t make that date then you can do the online workshop – click here to find out more and get started as soon as today.
Thank you for listening!

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