When you think about Career Reinvention do you only think about the good stuff?
Did you know that career reinvention also delivers some ugly side effects?
After a few conversations this week that highlighted and reminded me of the less fun sides of reinventing your career, I wanted to explore this to make sure you are aware before you launch into a major change and so you're not shocked if one of these common issues hits you in the face along the way....
There's different phases that people go through when they hit a professional crossroad - some phases they stay in for loner than others.... but when you get to a point where you have made the decision to do something different, to make a change, there can be an initial buzz of adrenaline and excitement about beginning something new... and then.... there's often a crash...
That sense of impending doom and questioning of what is going to happen now?!?!
What was I thinking?
At that stage a couple of things can happen and so in this episode I wanted to share some insights so you can be on the look out for them, not beat yourself up too much if you consider or do any of these things and you can have a bit of a strategy of how you want to handle it.This episode includes:what can happen when you rush to fill the voidhow your confidence gets impactedwhat can happen if you wait too long to make your planthe impact of feeling like the new kid at school...
I'm normally a pretty positive person, often looking for the upside, BUT after a couple of conversations this week and seeing the impact on usually super confident passionate people when some of these dark sides of career change kick in - EVEN IF YOU'VE CHOSEN IT YOURSELF!!! - I really wanted to share these thoughts so you can feel prepared and ready to rock your next career reinvention...
“Our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” M. Scott Peck
Thank you for listening!
x Shandra