New Ask Kris Mini Episodes!

We're going to do something new on the podcast every week (or as often as we can). Kris Peters and I will be tackling a specific subject and hashing some details out for about 15 minutes. Don't worry: I'll still be doing the regular podcast episodes every week, too!

We'll also take questions from you guys and answer them on these mini episodes. This week, in our second episode, we decided to talk about the three best lifts for rock climbers.

Kris Peters is a climbing trainer who's worked with some of the strongest climbers in the world, as well as a ton of regular Joes like you and me. He's seen his methods work on 100's of climbers so far, and so I thought I'd give him a platform to share his knowledge with you guys. Here's episode 2 of "Ask Kris", and hopefully we'll get one out every week. If you have a question for him, email me at [email protected] and we'll try to answer it.

3 Best Lifts for Climbers

Why climbers should weight lift
Why some strong climbers can get away with not weight lifting
What the 3 best lifts are, why, and how to do them

Kris Peters Links

More about Kris
Train with Kris one-on-one or online
Kris's online programs you can start following today with 3 workouts/week (bouldering and route training)
Kris's 6-Week Power Endurance Program