Welcome listeners of The Trainers Tribe to a special, short episode.

Since re-launching the podcast in March 2020, Dale and I have become aware that there are topics that we love to talk about and one's we don't. There are also topics that you love to listen to, and one's that you don't. And these two sets of topics actually line up.

We wanted to come up with a new name and purpose for the podcast that reflects that.

Listen to today's short episode for all of the details:

Things the new podcast will help you with:

Learn from other experts and leaders we admire. You can expect to see some special episodes now were we interview authors, entreprenuers, coaches, musicians and more who have successfully made a living by growing a tribe that supports them.Get better at leveraging your time better so you can have a bigger impact. Going online during the pandemic has probably given you a taste of how you can better use your time and skills to support more people. We'll share strategies and tips to help you make the most of this.Make a living from serving your tribe. What if you could make a living by just helping people? You can. The beauty of growing a tribe is that you help and support them and in turn the tribe lifts you up and pays you. Win Win!Grow and light up your tribe. A bigger, more engaged tribe means more sales. If you're in this to make a living this is an important part of it! We'll share courageous, intuitive ways to magnetise people to your tribe and get them hooked on you!

Episode 1 of the new podcast drops on Friday 25th of August.
