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We can accomplish much more than we think in a year. And much less than we think in a day.

Recently Kyle heard Charles Duhigg say this on a podcast:

Throughout history, there’s only been one killer productivity app, and it is, thinking more deeply, training ourselves to think more deeply about the choices that we are making, to make sure that what I am doing right now, aligns with what I think is most important, and acknowledging that it might be different yesterday and it might be different tomorrow, but at least right now, I’m thinking about that and I’m making a choice to get closer to it.

Charles Duhigg, on Dare to Lead

It sparked today's conversation where we explore how productivity isn't always about doing more work, but rather knowing what you need to do in that moment.

Some days we need to allow space and time. Other days we need to prioritise something else. Sometimes it's cleaning the house, sometimes going for a walk. Sometimes just putting on our boots and wading in.