In today's episode we're talking social media hacks.

If you’re not doing anything on social media at the moment we recommend starting with Instagram. Stick at
it and you’ll get better as you practice.

People like seeing themselves on social media so sharing pics of your clients is great (with their permission).

Dale’s tips for posting:

Best time of day: 6-9pm at night for morning clients#hashtags to include: location, city, type of training, business name, fitness, fiffam, outdoor training,bootcampsBest things to post: A mix of group shots (popular) and promotions

Social media is great for helping clients keep their finger on the pulse and engaged between sessions and
while they’re on holiday.

If you want to take things to the next level, set up a private community like a private Facebook Group.
If you’re unsure whether to have a group that’s open to everyone or just existing clients, answer this
question: Are you using this to deepen what you have or just give people a taste?

If you want to do both you could always have 2 groups, one for clients and one for everyone.

One thing you must do is be clear about the purpose of the group. What is this group for? Why does it exist?

How will it help it’s members? If you don’t have one people that’s clear people won’t engage.


Facebook Insights – check when your clients are on social mediaAdobe Spark Post (iTunes) for photo for making awesome images