Now we’re several months into various stages of lockdown, it’s time to look at your online sessions (and face-to-face one’s too) and start adding back in some wow and excitement.

Dale’s run hundreds of bootcamp sessions and workshop sessions from all around the world. Often to groups of people where a lot of them don’t know him.

He shares how he gets people engaged and having fun quickly and then leaving the session talking about what they experienced to others.

Topic Times:

Welcome to the show! [0:00]What to add to the start and end of your sessions [3:20]Dale share’s 6 icebreaker games to kick off your session [5:50]Using games as breaks and a tool for connection [12:30]Keeping clients engaged in your Facebook group [16:00]Right here, right now [19:50]

Who We Are

Dale and Kyle use this podcast as a way to share their advice and learnings in a casual, unfiltered format. We also both have ‘proper’ businesses where we help trainers and instructors improve their skills through various products. You can find out more about Dale and his offerings at Energetic Education and more about Kyle on Bootcamp Ideas.

Show notes: