Next Episode: Work Boundaries

With so many ideas and opportunities available to you, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know which one's to put your precious time into. In this episode we show you a simple way to get focused.

If you’re just joining us in this 3-part series on reviewing your year and planning this year, pop back to part 1: how to do a yearly review that rocks.

This week we’re going to look at…

What exactly do you want to do this year?

I’ve based this method off one I learnt from the guys at Fizzle. It worked really well for me and I hope it does for you too.

In today’s task we are going to make a big list of everything you want to do in the next 3-12 months.

I bet you already have a bunch of ideas bouncing around in your head. Fighting each other for your attention.

Maybe they come out at night when you are ready to go to sleep. Maybe when you sit down to do some work and are trying to work out what to do first. Maybe I’ll just go wash the dishes instead.

Time for a brain vomit

Your ideas are no good to you in your head. We need to get them out so we can look at them.

Plus you will find that once you write them down, the ideas will cease their battles in your head which is nice.

Let’s get into today’s assignment.

Find the assignment and discussion in this episodes show notes: