By teaming up with someone, business partnerships allow two people to create something amazing that neither could have made by themselves.

But there are pit falls to be wary of. How to you find someone you can trust? Do you split things 50/50? Is it better to hire someone or partner with them?

That and more answered in today’s episode of The Trainers Tribe.

Here are some of the tips we cover:

Don’t pair up with someone the same as you, make sure you have complimenting skills (diversity is good).Your values however, should be the same or similar.Doesn’t need to be a 50/50 agreement, go by what each person is bringing to the table (time, money, skills, resources).Make sure both people enjoy the aspect of the business they are in charge of.Start with a few small projects with clear end dates to test out how you work together.Make it collaborative, you should both have input into what your idea will look like.

Full show notes: