This week, we talk to Nathan Riddle from Nathan tells us about how a crazy idea from his long time friend turned in to a passion project. Now, he is on a mission to bring high quality video to YouTube and the web using his background in animation and film. We talk about how he got to this point, what tools he uses to make his videos, and we try to find out if anyone from the Google Loon Project is listening (because we need some weather balloon powered wifi hotspots!)

Thank you for taking the time to listen to the show, we appreciate it. If you have any feedback, please contact us at:

[email protected]

(951) 394-3478


Tags: jeep, trailchasers, ichasetrails, 4wd, 4x4, offroad, offroading, overlanding, camping, jeepnation, zjnation, zjmafia, grandcrew, jeepmafia, grandcherokee, cherokee, wrangler, toyota, tacoma, fjcruiser, 4runner

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