Brian McAboy is a full-time Trader and Trading Coach in South Carolina. Find out how how he helps others become successful.

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Learning to trade profitably on your own can take a long time for some people, but if you have a mentor or coach helping you, the time can be reduced significantly.

I have wanted to get a Trading Coach on the Podcast for awhile now and I am happy to present my first interview with a Trader/Trading Coach.

Brian McAboy – Trader and Trading Coach

Brian McAboy used to be a Mechanical Engineer in the Manufacturing Industry, but he caught the trading bug and never looked back.

Just like every other Trader, he took his lumps early on in his career and wanted to understand how to be the best trader he could be.

As he started trading profitably, he wanted to help others do the same and when the opportunity presented itself, he began coaching.

Being an Engineer, he understood the benefit of creating documented processes and set about applying that to his trading and his coaching business.

One of the most important points that Brian brings up is that trading must be treated as a business.

Many people think that trading is somehow different from opening a restaurant or selling t-shirts on the internet.

While the products are very different, the basic principles of business still apply. You still have to have a plan, be properly funded, have an advantage in the market, etc.

Brian loves working with Traders because he feels that they are generally very intelligent, caring and genuine people.

He was generous enough to spend over an hour talking with me about all aspects of trading and I know that you will get a lot of great information out of this interview because I sure did.

In This Episode:

What plastic bottles have to do with better trading
The minimum amount of money that Brian feels you need to get started in trading and be properly funded
How to stop self-sabotaging your trading
The two biggest things that you need to concentrate on to become a successful trader
How many years of trading experience the average Trader that Brian trains has
The influence that Ken Roberts had on Brian's trading
How quickly can someone become a profitable Trader (after doing the work, of course)?
And more!

Click Play To Listen To The Interview

Resources Mentioned:

Brian's website: Trading System Mastery
Brian's book: The Subtle Trap of Trading
Book: Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone
Book: Michael Gerber – The E-Myth Revisited
Book: John Forman – The Essentials of Trading

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The post EP9 // How Brian McAboy Leveraged His Engineering Background To Trade And Coach For A Living appeared first on Trading Heroes.