There is something about trading that attracts certain types of people. Since you are here, you are probably one of those people. Joel was hooked on trading after seeing a trading floor and although his journey to professional trading took some interesting turns, he was finally able to make it happen. Learn how he did it here.

The post EP24 // Joel Kruger: Investment Banker Turned Pro Forex Trader appeared first on Trading Heroes.

Joel Kruger started his professional career on a path that you might be able to relate to.

He initially went to law school and later became an investment banker.

That may not be a common career path, but many people who get into trading come from some sort of high-level profession. So if this describes you, and you don't want to be in that profession anymore, this interview might give you an alternative.

When Joel saw a trading floor for the first time, he was hooked. His career in trading started as a currency analyst and he was eventually able to make the jump to full-time trading.

But it wasn't easy. He admits that even though he knew how to analyze markets, trading them is a totally different story.

There were several times when he wanted to quit. Find out why he stuck with it, what he has learned, the most important trait that he sees in successful traders and much more.

So if you are an investment banker, it's not too late. If you want an alternative to the crazy hours, Joel's story might be an option that interests you.


In This Episode

The biggest problem with the Forex market
Why Forex is the best market to trade
How to raise money with your trading skill
Why the size of your account does not matter
Joel's outlook on life and how that determines his trading style
Why ADHD can be a benefit to traders
And more!

Click Play to Listen to the Interview

Resources Mentioned

Paul Tudor Jones
Market Wizards
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Ugly Americans
Narcos – One of Joel's favorite TV shows, at the moment.

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If you know of a trader who would benefit from any of the information in this post, feel free to use the social media share buttons on this post. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes and if you love it, a 5-star review is greatly appreciated!

Also be sure to check out the resources page for tips on the best education, FX trading software and more.




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The post EP24 // Joel Kruger: Investment Banker Turned Pro Forex Trader appeared first on Trading Heroes.