In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Reynaldo Soriano, a professional trader who is originally from Australia, but now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He shares a lot of personal experiences and how he came back from a big loss to trade for a living.

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Hello and welcome to another episode of The Trading Lifestyle Podcast. I hope you are enjoying your holiday season and are celebrating your successes from this past year.

In this episode, I had the pleasure of  sitting down and talking with Reynaldo Soriano a professional trader and educator in the San Francisco Bay Area. I found him through his Meetup group and I wanted to find out how he became a professional trader.

He was a member of the Australian national Taekwondo team and when you look at his website, sports still play a big role in his trading and teaching. I like how he compares trading to sports, in that both take a lot of work and there is no guarantee of success.

Our conversation covered a lot of really interesting topics like his daily trading routine, his most important value and the one thing that will always overule his mechanical trading setups.

I appreciate how open and honest he is in this interview. He even shared that at his low point, he would go to his parents house to visit a lot. They thought he was there to seem them, but he was really there to get some free food because he had lost most of his money trading.

But like all successful traders I have talked to, he figured out a way to not only improve his trading, but also his wealth awareness, to become consistently profitable.  One thing that I did find surprising was how much he risks on high probability trades. He knows his trades setups so well that he knows which trades have a near 100% probability of working.

I hope you learn a lot from this interviews and enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed doing it. I did have a slight cold, so I apologize for any sniffles in the recording.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section at the end…

In This Episode

Find out what Reynaldo studied in school
Why he holds trading contests
Why Forex is the best market to learn trading
The role that intuition plays in his trading
Why he stopped day trading
And more!

Click Play To Listen To The Interview

Resources Mentioned

Enlightened Super Trader Education
Enlightened Super Trader Meetup (SF Bay Area)
Brain Games (National Geographic)
Anthony Robbins
Millionaire Mind Intensive
Follow Reynaldo on Twitter

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The post EP18 // How Reynaldo Soriano Makes A Living Trading 1 Hour A Day appeared first on Trading Heroes.

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