Do you want to find out how to find and hold Big Leading Stocks for Capital Gain? We recently interviewed market expert and founder of, Adam Sarhan. Adam will discuss his 4-step process to choosing the best stocks to trade for optimal profits and will teach you the best kept secrets that top traders utilize when choosing the big leading stocks for their stock portfolio.

Also, as a prelude to the interview, Trader’s Mindchat Show hosts Mike and Melissa Lamothe dive deep into how to take control of your money and how to take the fear out of trading to win.

Here are the Top Highlights from our Interview with Adam Sarhan:

1. Persevere. Learn from your mistakes

2. Anybody can play. Anybody can compete. Anybody can win! There are an infinite number of ways to make money in the stock market. You have to find the right way for you.

3. Fundamental analysis + technical analysis + psychological analysis = winning formula

4. Show Up! Bring Your A-Game!

5. Secret sauce of finding leading stocks is to find the big growth stocks (filter out the noise and focus on the strongest stocks in the market by eliminating the junk). Just like in sports, focus on the top teams in the division.

6. Subconscious mind is Goofy Disney character. Make sure it’s simple enough for Goofy to even understand.

7. Making money is simple. Cash flow in and cash flow out. Simple, yet for many it’s difficult to implement.

8. If Person A has a map and Person B. has passion yet no plan, who do you think will get to their destination first?

9. AMPD stands for Advanced Early Entry Points. Market Conditions, Psychological Analysis (make rational not emotional decisions) and Defense First.

10. You need someone to help you see your blind spots. Put up guardrails to help you from getting distracted.

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