108 – Ethics of the Fathers – Perkei Avos 1:10 – The Jewish Work Ethic – Love Work and Hate Power – A Powerful Parable about the Train- A Great Story about the Goldschmidts – Peace in Your Home – Making a Living 1:10. Shmaayah and Avtalyon received from them. Shmaayah would say: Love work, […]
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108 – Ethics of the Fathers – Perkei Avos 1:10 – The Jewish Work Ethic – Love Work and Hate Power –  A Powerful Parable about the Train- A Great Story about the Goldschmidts – Peace in Your Home – Making a Living

1:10. Shmaayah and Avtalyon received from them. Shmaayah would say: Love work, loath mastery over others, and avoid intimacy with the government.

שמעיה ואבטליון קיבלו מהם.

שמעיה אומר:

אהוב את המלאכה, ושנא את הרבנות, ואל תתודע לרשות.

The post 108 – The Jewish Work Ethic – Love Work and Hate Power appeared first on The Global Yeshiva.