052 Torah Portion of the Week – Tazria – Metzora – How to Tweak the Mind Body Connection – Spiritual and Physical Integration - A Powerful Parable about the Sick Man in a Remote Village – A Great Story about Rav Shach and Peace in Your Home - Rejecting of Encouraging Compliments
The post 052 How to Tweak the Mind Body Connection – Spiritual and Physical Integration appeared first on The Global Yeshiva.

052 Torah Portion of the Week – Tazria – Metzora – How to Tweak the Mind Body Connection – Spiritual and Physical Integration A Powerful Parable about the Sick Man in a Remote Village – A Great Story about Rav Shach and Peace in Your Home Rejecting of Encouraging Compliments

The post 052 How to Tweak the Mind Body Connection – Spiritual and Physical Integration appeared first on The Global Yeshiva.