Live from DragonCon 2021 we had a lot of fun doing our annual live show! On this Episode … Garak, Lorca & Mudd Tell You A Story We make our case to send random characters to the Shuttle Pod or the Air Lock and of course a little Spock’s Brain! Many thanks to the DragonCon …

The post Special Episode: Topic is Trek Live from DragonCon 2021 appeared first on The Topic is Trek.

Live from DragonCon 2021 we had a lot of fun doing our annual live show!

On this Episode …

Garak, Lorca & Mudd Tell You A StoryWe make our case to send random characters to the Shuttle Pod or the Air Lockand of course a little Spock’s Brain!

Many thanks to the DragonCon Trek Track for having us again this year!

The post Special Episode: Topic is Trek Live from DragonCon 2021 appeared first on The Topic is Trek.