Every week "The Top Twenty" brings you the first 20 minutes - give or take - of "The Hard Rock Lunchbox".  On this week's episode...

There's a reason bacon always come first... and DJ is more than happy to tease with his rationale from the upcoming Bacon Is My Podcast interview but for the full answer you'll need to see the whole thing for yourself on Monday - only on StrangerhoodTV!  But also...

DJ has a LOT to say about certain GOP governors that are now crossing the line, in his opinion, and absolutely putting politics over public safety.  Only adding to his endearing disdain for Florida's Death-by-Desantis, he points out that currently the dipshit in chief down there is crusading against any local school district that has decided it needs a mask mandate by threatening to not pay those school districts.  Sounds like executive overreach to our host - probably because it is - and all of this is going down while Florida leads the nation in CHILD COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS!  Despite all that spectacular stupidity, DJ warns that Mississippi is the state to watch since their GOP Governor just told everyone that they were in good shape and then left the state to hang with some of his fellow science deniers and fundraise.  But meanwhile, the head of the Mississippi hospital system, specifically in Jackson, held a press conference saying that the hospitals there were "days away from failure".  Mississippi has also requested, and is receiving, federal medical personnel to bail them the eff out of the COVID mess they put themselves in now.  Chalk that up to another installment of "why do my tax dollars keep going to states we don't need anymore?"

DJ can be found elsewhere at all things REVEL 9 (REVEL9.com) and every Thursday at noon on the Hard Rock Lunch Box (99WNRR.com and Hardrocklunchbox.com)

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