In this episode of the Tony Sandler Podcast, Tony pays tribute to Luther Henderson, arranger for Polly Bergen, who wrote the closer for the "First 20 Years". We also get the details behind one of Sandler & Young's most famous songs, Mr. Boom Boom. Then Tony opens up about one of the most difficult, and one of the most stressful moments of his career, a moment that almost broke up a duo that was on the verge of taking off. It was their series of performances at the Nevele Hotel, that kept the duo employed. Their performances at that hotel received standing ovations. Big love from everyone, except Lou Walter's, father of Barbara Walters, who didn't give the duo the reaction Tony expected. It was that reaction that almost drove Tony away for good. That's until Val Irving, from the Jackson, Irving and Durante (Jimmy Durante) vaudeville act, took Sandler & Young under his wing. Listen to what happens next in episode 5 of the Tony Sandler Podcast.

To learn more and watch the great performances mentioned in this episode, head here: