"At some point we all have this story in our minds of you're not allowed to show any level of weakness or vulnerability or else there will be social shame, so tough it out, deal with it, bottle up the pain."

This week I had the chance to talk with John Beede, a man who has hiked the tallest mountain on each continent, about his story, his battle with PTSD, how important it is for men to be vulnerable, his new book titled "The Warrior Challenge", and so much more.

Find out more about John:

Website: https://www.johnbeede.com/

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Challenge-Quests-Kindness-Courage/dp/0593175298

Book's Website: https://www.johnbeede.com/warriorchallenge

Do you have a story to share? Connect with me here:





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