Blast off into the amazing year 3000 with John Star and the legion of space! Witness as he braves the dangers of the black planet in search of a damsel in distress. Weep for the loss of one blessed bottle of wine. The fate of the human race is in his hands!!www.nobleknight.comJohn Stuart Williamsonborn April 29, 1908 in Arizona Territory; died November 10, 2006“The Legion of Space”published in Astounding Stories in 1934; published in book form in 1947during a Great Books course, Williams learned that Henryk Sienkiewicz had created one of his works by combining The Three Musketeers with Shakespeare’s FalstaffMy guests:Chris ConstantinDark Revelations the Roleplaying Game - http://drevrpg.blogspot.caJeremiah McCoywebsite - https://thebasicsofthegame.wordpress.comtumblr - http://thebasicsofthegame.tumblr.comYouTube - Wikstromwebsite - jeffwik.comemail - [email protected]Email us to find out how you can get involved![email protected]

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