In this episode we discuss The Gods of Mars, the second Mars book which introduces the Plant Men, the Therns and the Firstborn.
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Edgar Rice Burroughsborn 1875, died 1950
A Princess of Mars ran from February to July 1912. The Gods of Mars was published in All-Story from January to May 1913. 
In between, Burroughs had published his first Tarzan story (October 1912). Tarzan was “a cultural sensation” but probably not overnight. In 1915 or 1919 Burroughs purchased land for a ranch north of L.A. and called it “Tarzana.”
Jay KintRPG Circus - rpgcircus.comblog - expertisedice.comTwitter - @icosahedron
ERBZine - The Gods of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Reason vs. Superstition -[email protected]