James and Sam are back with a new episode of the Bonus Action podcast! In this episode they discuss the difference in spellcasting rules between classes. This is a follow-up episode to Bonus Action 007 - Spellcasting Basics, so if you haven't listened to that one in a while, take a few minutes to go back and give yourself a refresher course on spells and terms in 5th edition D&D.

Relevant Links:

D&D 5e Basic PDF: http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/basicrules

James’ blog: http://www.worldbuilderblog.me

Sam’s blog: http://www.rpgmusings.com

Support the show, shop below...


James and Sam are back with a new episode of the Bonus Action podcast! In this episode they discuss the difference in spellcasting rules between classes. This is a follow-up episode to Bonus Action 007 - Spellcasting Basics, so if you haven't listened to that one in a while, take a few minutes to go back and give yourself a refresher course on spells and terms in 5th edition D&D.

Relevant Links:

D&D 5e Basic PDF: http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/basicrules

James’ blog: http://www.worldbuilderblog.me

Sam’s blog: http://www.rpgmusings.com

Support the show, shop below...