The Tome Show is proud to host the DnDeBrief podcast! Here is episode 004 - Dreams and Standing Stones

Summary: In this episode the Tempest's Fortune finds its way to the uncharted Crab Island only to find carnage piles, ruins, and ritual standing stones. Emmeryn experiences a vision she is convinced came from her patron deity, Goras.

Debrief: The team ends the episode with a discussion of theater of the mind, using virtual tables to get a group together, and being open about giving and receiving feedback at the table.

Maps & Images: So that you can follow along, here is a map of the Gormer Chain, where Trastenfen is located: Map of the Gormer Chain


DMSamuel on Twitter: @DMSamuel

Sam on the Web:

Karu on Twitter: @mystarseed

Nina on Twitter: @n_bayes3

MattB on Twitter: @mbriddell

David on Twitter: @DaviDeployed

Music: Mystery by ebunny

D&DeBrief Logo by Amber Seger


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