THE THESIS: I think they mean to do it as part of their Great Reset, Zach is not certain about that, but we both agree it looks like the Figurehead is going to blow up the economy. 


How Saul Became the Apostle Paul


BY PHOENIX CAPITAL RESEARCH: Forget the Forecasts, the U.S. is Already In a Recession… Here’s How to Profit From It!

"Showbiz", "Gimmick": Pelosi, Obama Dismiss Biden's Push To Suspend Federal Gas Tax Into Midterms

[AUDIO] - Biden: "My mother had an expression: out of everything lousy, something good will happen. We have a chance to make a fundamental turn toward renewable energy, electric vehicles, and across the board."

Sen Bill Hagerty (R-TN) addressed the Biden narrative, noting that "the problem [of inflation] hasn't sprung out of nowhere," before asking Chair Powell the following question: "Would you say that the war in Ukraine is the primary driver of inflation in America?"

[AUDIO] - 'Inflation Was High Before Ukraine': Powell Tosses Biden Back Under The Bus

[AUDIO] - The Figurehad’s Daughter and Grandaughter pull him away from the press -- incidentally, Biden thinks he created a global “flat tax.” No, he didn’t. The people who run him had him sign onto a disastrous, global minimum tax which destroys any reason for any nation to compete based upon being efficient and responsible in spending. 

[AUDIO] -  Another farmer speaks out about the coming food shortage caused by The Party. She describes the OSHA diktats the people who run Joe Biden are pushing

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