THE THESIS: The cultural revolution is a spiritual battle for the souls of our kids. At the core of its dead, dark, cold heart, American liberalism is the religion of angry, sex-addicted, racist children in adult bodies. They worship victimhood and revenge, mean girls and weak boys, daddy-figure and abusive step mother government bosses. Taylor Lorenz, a so called “technology reporter” for the Washington Post is a minor demon in their faith, with the very specific job of bullying people who are not of her religion. The Washington Post is the perfect place for such a virtue-pleading, pretend victim to work. It us up to us to give our children the only meaningful, permanent identity as not just creations of God, but Children of God. 


Genesis 3:4

4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.

John 8:44

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Bible Verses About Raising Children


Hi @TaylorLorenz! Which of my relatives did you enjoy harassing the most at their homes yesterday?

Greenwald: “My email exchange today with an NBC News producer wanting to know whether a certain front-page journalist with the world's most powerful newspapers (NYT & WashPost) should be off-limits from criticism because of the harsh criticisms from the public it provokes:”

[AUDIO] - Taylor Lorenz says she has "severe PTSD" from being a journalist and breaks down in MSNBC interview

Jackson Campbell: They're willing to lie through their teeth to cover for @TaylorLorenz for now, but maybe not for long. The whole point of Taylor's piece was to expose Chaya and publish her personal information so that people could destroy her life. Yes, they did publish it. Then they deleted it.

The Pathological Nature of Wokeness; Leftist cancel culture is being driven by the emotionally deranged agenda of teenage girls

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