USA Today calls out mRNA deaths! . . . Well, sort of

In episode 1,019 we hear how Sam Harris justifies his radical stance on jailing those who did not get the vaccine and how the new CEO of Twitter boasts about their suppression of free speech in a pitch to advertisers. We dive into the report of increases in leprosy, early onset dementia, all cause mortality, and cancer in those who were MRNA injected, just as FOX News pushes the Covid fear porn, again.

What does God’s Word say?
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.Proverbs 29:25
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

Episode 1,019 Links:
Sam Harris: “If everything was completely different, then things would be different. Imagine if COVID had a 100% death rate and the vaccine was perfectly safe, RFK looks pretty stupid now.”This is what apologism for COVID mandates has been reduced to.Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19: FDA LawyerGrowing Number of Leprosy Cases Reported After COVID-19 VaccinationEarly onset dementia is being caused by the COVID vaccine (~25X increase); The medical community is never going to admit this and the mainstream media is never going to cover this, but I thought you should know. People who work in nursing homes are seeing a 25X increase.115% increase in all-cause mortality for mRNA injected people aged 0-24 Cancer has established a novel growth rate (.60%), post vaccine inflection, triple the old one. This is DESPITE a heavy depletion in the candidate pool for these deaths AND curation of cancer UCoD deaths by the CDC. Cancer is a hard ship to turn. But once turned…Coronavirus is back, but how worried should you be; Parts of the country are seeing an uptick, and hospitalizations are rising nationwide.New Long-Covid data shows that people who identify as Trans/Nonbinary are over 2x more likely to have long-Covid than men. And those with an existing mental health issue are far more likely to have Long-Covid. How are we sinking $billions into this stuff?!Twitter CEO Yaccarino Boasts of Censorship to Please AdvertisersToday in leftover Covid madness: Reason one zillion The New York Times won't be rehiring me, Unbelievable but true, they still require proof of Covid vaccinations for new employees. Also, stupidity from Rutgers University and Outward Bound!Mitchell Yawns As Cuban Diplomat Compares U.S. To CubaAppeals Court: No First Amendment Right to Religious Exemption From Vaccine Mandate; The appeals court also rejected the plaintiffs’ privacy and medical freedom, equal protection, and childrearing arguments.CNN Pushes Anti-Thomas Hit Piece But Admits He Did Nothing WrongIran Forces Women, Minor Girls into Psychiatric Treatment for Defying Hijab Laws.France24 TV channel: Iran’s “Education Minister Youssef Nouri admitted that schoolchildren were being detained in the streets or at school and held in “medical psychological centres” where they were “re-educated” to prevent “anti-social” behaviour.”Lawsuit: Massachusetts Rejected Catholic Foster Parent Applicants Over Beliefs About Marriage and Sexuality; Massachusetts requires foster families to “support and respect a child’s sexual orientation or gender identity.Finnish Grandmother Is Back In Court Facing ‘Hate Speech’ Charges For Tweeting Bible Verses
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