THE THESIS: Just like they did with Covid, The Party is using the war between Russia and Ukraine to install more of the Great Reset. This time, the target is energy and, like with Covid, they are attacking your right to mobility. It’s not just me saying that, mainstream voices like Laura Ingraham call the increase in fuel prices a “new lockdown.” Zach Abraham joins us to talk about navigating this financially, who is making money on the war and if it’s too late to bet on energy. PLUS . . . you will learn why oil prices are driving up the costs of electric vehicles and it’s not (just) the shipping!


The Bible on finances

God’s prophets vs. human kings


Why is Pfizer suddenly modifying their SEC filings, just weeks after Modern execs started dumping stock? United States Securities and Exchange Commission; Pfizer checked off — 17 CFR § 240.12d2-2; why? what is this move, there is a reason, companies like this don’t act this way without a reason . . .

Who Changed the Scientific Conclusions of a Paper that Could Have Saved Millions? At Last, We May Have a Name.

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