The Party wants us to move beyond God and His standards. Sure, they say, go worship “your” God, but don’t expect to live by His standards. What, then, are the standards by which people are to live? For The Party, that depends entirely on who you are. The Dictator of New Zealand has resigned; her fellow dictators, like Treaudea, want us to believe she showed compassion and empathy . . . words that mean nothing if they actually fit her. If you are a professional hockey player and a white man (whatever “man” means), you are to drape your body in whatever slogan The Party deems sacred at the moment. If you are not sufficiently happy to oblige, you should be cast out of the Country and sent to die in a war. But, if you are a “BIPOC” (whatever that means), you cannot be held to any standards, because that is an “ism” or a “phobia.” The absence of standards runs across so much of our society that it is very nearly normalized, so our time to correct this is short. We must go back to God’s standards which means we must grow to understand what they are and have them always in our hearts.

What does God say?

The Bible is filled with explanations and examples of God’s Way versus our ways.

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord.9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts."

This is a great way to view God’s Way versus human ways

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