Breaking news! The United Methodist Church just denounced Christianity. They did so not in name, but in deed. At their annual conference, they set out guidelines, of which included the instruction to not solely use male pronouns for God. But, it doesn't stop there. Their focus on race, sexual identity, and pretend gender identity announces that they are no longer Christian. There is something far more serious to this, though. Satan is constructing a bizarre world of inverse Christianity on multiple fronts. He is taking sacred things and inverting them. We must remember that our job assigned by God is to t=free the captives, and these people are captives.

What does God’s Word say? 
2 Corinthians 11:14 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Episode 1,586 Links:
Synopsis of the United Methodist Church collapseAt the opening of the United Methodist Church's General Conference, attendees are warned to avoid "exclusively male language for God" and to "be conscious of inferred power dynamics."At the United Methodist Church conference, members share personal details like race and pronouns before speaking. They've okayed gay clergy and marriages, but a bishop gets called out for misgendering. Full woke modeThis man’s is not speaking of following Jesus, he is speaking of following the flesh.RFK, Jr. comes out in support of gender reassignment surgery and chemical castration for kids as long as the parents approve.4Patriots
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