The “Queering of Compassion, Biology and Parenting”, Brandon Showalter, Christian Post Writer on the Dead Name Documentary movie

Yesterday, I shared with you the plan in the separate Country of Washington “State” to legalize kidnapping children from around the United States in order to chemically and surgically mutilate them and/or perform abortions to kill their unborn children. That is real and it is probably going to become a diktat in that Country. Today, I talk with Christian Post writer, Brandon Showalter about an intimate, personal, emotion-shattering documentary, The film tells the story of three families whose children were captured by the body-hating Cult built around the lie that is all of “transgenderism.” I beg you to watch this movie and to understand this is the plan The Party has for all families: to divide children from parents using the “trans” lie, the “everyone is same-sex-attracted” lie, the critical race theory lies and more. As bad as that is, it’s not the worst part of their scheme. As Brandon Showalter and I discuss in the ‘Cast, the chemical and surgical mutilation of young bodies is also a vile, satanic program that is designed to permanently divide young people from God. Gladly, the Lord Jesus loves us and will adopt people who have fallen into that Cult right back into His family when they agree to follow Him, be changed by Him and go on mission with Him.

What does God say?

From Kendall Lankford, here is a quick crash course in why Satan hates us. As you read it, imagine the delight Satan experiences as servants of his like Jay Inslee traffic kids into his territory to deface and mutilate the kid’s bodies so they lose the loving design of God to what He meant to be their living temples. Think of how Satan must laugh seeing these children prevented from being fruitful and multiplying. An excerpt, here, but do read it all, please.

“He is called the devil, the dragon, a deceiver, the serpent, the prince and god of this world, and an “angel” who is in charge of the abyss (Revelation 9:11; 12:4,9, 13-14; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 6:15; Genesis 3:1-5, 13; John 12:31). He is chief among the fallen devils who were cast out of heaven for their rebellion against God (Revelation 12:9). Originally made as the most beautiful of all God’s angelic hosts (Ezekiel 28:12-19), he became the father of narcissism, enamored with his own beauty, a megalomaniac who wanted to elevate his throne over and above the Living God (Isaiah 14:12-15). He and his entire demonic horde of minions were cursed to slither along the face of the earth, like a starving pack of famished lions, seeking whomever they may devour (1 Peter 5:8). He is morally corrupted and evil to his rotten core (Matthew 13:19). He is a pathological liar and has been a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). He is a seditious schemer and slanderer extraordinaire (Ephesians 6:11; Job 1:9-11). All of this along with the fact that he disguises himself as an agent of light while secretly planning your demise (2 Corinthians 11:14). That is who Satan is.”

The Links
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